Journal – 1/19/13

“Oooh Soouuuuperman!” A little girl at Barnes & Noble blurted that out, (she was on the floor in an odd posture that only little kids adopt, flipping through a large format photography book) to no one, she was just delighted and needed to get it out. This struck me for two reasons, her tone, and her unfiltered joy at seeing the character. Her tone was like what you’d hear when a kid sees Santa Claus, and her joy was instant. This is a character that’s 75 years old, and still has the power to make a kid involuntarily squeal out his name.

I just wanted to make a note of that brief moment, I want to remember the power that a great character can have, and redouble my efforts to create something that is that durable and wondrous.

Anyway, it was week three of the job search and lordy, is it a grind. Keeping my fingers crossed that this won’t be a protracted campaign, and that I can find an excellent team to join soon.

Journal – 1/16/13

Ah, snow…or at least the threat of snow! We may actually get some kind of measurable precip tomorrow, and it’s nice that winter is coming out of hiding. This is the third week of my job search and if nothing else, it’s proving to me the power of online job boards. Monster, Career Builder, Indeed have provided an ludicrous number of incoming queries. It’s also proving to be a real challenge to keep focus on both the job search and my writing (and other) goals.

My, what a dull entry, my apologies. I’ve gotten out of the habit of ruminating “out loud” so to speak, and need to get back into the groove. Bear with me, it’ll get amusing soon!

Journal – 1/8/2013

I’m sitting in a coffee shop, surrounded by delightful aromas, and an eclectic selection of my neighbors. As best I can figure, the couple sitting next to me, a nebbishy bespectacled man and an attractive (but rather severe) woman, are engaged in what sounds like a Russian tutorial (she’s teaching him). Looking to my right, the Red Velvet Muffin and Coconut “Gluten Free” cookies look tempting, but the sandwiches are past their prime. The rest of the shops denizens range from Pacific Rim hipsters, earnest young professionals, and a well-wrapped octogenarian reading the Post.

I mention all of this, primarily to illustrate what a terrible choice the coffee shop was for doing graphics preparation for this site. For the most part, all of the art I created for the original version of is still viable, but there are a slew of images created for much lower resolution monitors. Whatever, just need to muscle through, so I can finish the migration and get back to just having fun with the site!

Today marked day two of my employment search, I’m gratified by the number of opportunities that are available, now I just need to plow through ‘em all and find the gem. Hope you’re having an excellent Tuesday, and look forward to chatting again soon!

Journal – 1/7/2013

Howdy Folks! Well, today begins my official “year start” which kicks off with a search for new position (or career, depending on how things shake out), new set of weekly goals, a new novel to write, and preparations for release of my first novel.

I’ve had an excellent sabbatical; accomplished a lot of creative goals, developed some new and compelling story concepts, lost a ton of weight, developed a pretty decent success seminar, and hopefully helped out a few people.

This journal functions as my “observing ego” tool, and in addition to being my personal capture tool for whatever random gibberish comes to mind, it’s where I’ll keep tabs on myself to ensure that I continue to move forward. With the intent of improving myself, and adding what value I can to others. If you have thoughts, comments or ideas you’d like to share, please let me know, I’d love to hear from you!