Teachable: How NOT to Write a Novel

Icon_NOTWhy I’m an Expert on This Subject:

It took me something like ten years to finish my first novel, with the actual writing time being more like two years. When I wrote my second novel it took less than a year. I didn’t get better at it, I just got real at it. For me the value of experience is to pass it on in the hopes that other’s can benefit from your mental disorders. So, read on to (as it’s said in”The House of the Rising Sun”) not to do as I have done! Continue reading Teachable: How NOT to Write a Novel

PsychHack – 3 Things Worth Doing

Barney_SquareMake the life you want

I say this all the time, but I think what most folks hear is “After you do that thing, make the life you want”. No, I’m talking take immediate action, right now, to create the life you want. I’m speaking to the habit of creating your life, its a habit that generates its own reality, if you do it often enough you forget what it’s like to worry, wait and ponder why things are the way they are. Continue reading PsychHack – 3 Things Worth Doing

Journal – 01/29/15

Blog_DoublePhotoGeneral Ramblings

Don’t have an overarching topic today, but I do have a grab-bag of things on my mind, which include:

Dream Update & Getting back in the groove

Excitement for my novel

General Bewilderment with People

Like any diary entry, I’m just trying to capture thoughts both to make sense of them, and for future use (but you never know when it can help somebody – that’s why I share!) Continue reading Journal – 01/29/15

Journal – 01/28/15

Blog_GoneGirlEphemera I’m Consuming

One of the most important things an artist does is consume art, in whatever form. My bias leans toward books, film and comics – if only because I can take them in “on demand” in a life that’s often over-leveraged. So, I thought it would be fun from time to time to give an accounting of what I’m into at a given moment – assume everything is a rousing endorsement unless otherwise indicated!

Continue reading Journal – 01/28/15

Journal – 01/27/15


Been having some solid, crazy dreams lately, with vast story arcs and amazingly detailed imagery. Exactly the kind of stuff I can use to fill my creative pipeline when my waking mind fails me.

Of course, I lose them the second I wake, which is really pissing me off so I’m committing  to a formal capture activity to see if its possible to document this stuff before it goes poof. Continue reading Journal – 01/27/15